Free PDF viewer and reader better than Foxit?

Review by aseem

Does anyone still use Adobe Reader? If you do, I feel bad for you! For many months now, I’ve been using the very fast Foxit PDF reader software because it’s only 100 times faster than Adobe Reader! Foxit is a great PDF viewer because it’s not bloated with tons of useless features that no one is ever going to use. Foxit has been a great replacement, but the free version has had some problems that make it slightly annoying to use sometimes.

If you’ve been using Foxit reader for a while, you have probably noticed that it can have some issues when it comes to printing. If you decide to add a sticky note or manually type in text onto a PDF, you get a message stating that an evaluation mark will be placed on the document when you try to print it. You have to purchase the full version if you don’t want to have the marks.

pdf viewer

Luckily, there’s another PDF viewer program that I came across called PDF-XChange Viewer that has all of the features and benefits of Foxit, but without any of the restrictions! With this program, you can export text from a PDF document, add content to PDF files, type onto PDF’s, fill and save forms, add sticky notes, and lots more. The best thing is that it’s way faster than Adobe Reader and only a little slower than Foxit. There is a splash screen on this program, but you can disable it from the Preferences.


>> Further reading

4 Responses

  1. i was searching for a foxit like proggy for my mac and stumbled on to your page …
    guess i need go search for foxit for mac …
    thanks for the info …

  2. tanks for u

  3. Another good thing about PDF-XChange Viewer is that its text rendering is smoother than Foxit Reader. However, I’ve just switched to Foxit. It is indeed faster.

  4. is there a known issue with Foxit’s word search? It misses some words that Adobe doesn’t and when you copy paste you see that there’s a space between letters and that’s why the word is missed. Why does that happen?

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